Balance Bike X1 - Green

Availability :
In Stock
440 QAR

Reward Points: 880 (Exclusively for registered users)

Recommended Age: 2 years

The balance bike is great to learn balance and coordination skills, they can easily control the balance bike and enjoy the movement, which helps babies gain confidence and reduce fears.

The seat height of our kids balance bike can be adjusted to 'evolve' with your child, ensuring a best fit for children from 2 - 6 years old. 

Our Balance Bike is a perfect gift for kids' birthday or Christmas, it develops a sense of balance and reflexes and is a fun companion on the way to growth.

Weight Limit: 30kgs

Qty :

The Balance Bike X1 - Green is the ideal choice for toddlers and young children who are ready to experience the thrill of riding a bike. This lightweight and durable balance bike is designed to help children develop the essential skills they need to transition to a pedal bike with ease.


  • Lightweight and Durable: The Balance Bike X1 - Green is constructed from a lightweight yet sturdy aluminum frame, making it easy for young children to handle and maneuver.
  • Adjustable Seat Height: The seat height can be easily adjusted to accommodate children of different heights, ensuring a comfortable and safe riding experience.
  • Air-Filled Tires: The air-filled tires provide excellent traction and cushioning, allowing for a smooth and comfortable ride on various terrains.
  • Footrests: The integrated footrests allow children to rest their feet comfortably while they are coasting or learning to balance.
  • Handbrake: The handbrake provides children with the ability to control their speed and come to a safe stop.
  • Stylish Design: The Balance Bike X1 - Green features a sleek and modern design with a vibrant green color that is sure to appeal to children of all ages.


  • Develops Balance and Coordination: The Balance Bike X1 - Green helps children develop essential balance and coordination skills, which are crucial for riding a pedal bike.
  • Improves Motor Skills: Riding a balance bike encourages children to use their gross motor skills, such as steering, balancing, and coordinating their movements.
  • Boosts Confidence: Mastering the art of riding a balance bike gives children a sense of accomplishment and boosts their confidence.
  • Provides Fun and Exercise: The Balance Bike X1 - Green provides children with a fun and engaging way to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Prepares for Pedal Bikes: The Balance Bike X1 - Green helps children develop the necessary skills and confidence to transition to a pedal bike with ease.


The Balance Bike X1 - Green is an excellent choice for parents who are looking for a safe, fun, and effective way to introduce their children to the world of cycling. This balance bike will help children develop the essential skills they need to become confident and skilled cyclists.

Additional Information:

  • The Balance Bike X1 - Green is suitable for children aged 2-5 years old.
  • The maximum weight capacity is 50 lbs.
  • The bike comes with a one-year warranty.

We are confident that the Balance Bike X1 - Green will provide your child with hours of fun and enjoyment while helping them develop the skills they need to become a confident cyclist.

Contact us today to learn more about the Balance Bike X1 - Green and to place your order.